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About Us

Rooted in collaboration with nature, we work with the cycles, seasons and harmonies of nature to inspire and inform our work. By infusing performers with landscape, the stage being alive, that interacts with us as we interact with i, each informs & expands the other, creating space for a limitless language of expression. 


Discover Your Connection to Nature

We offer an inspiring space for everyone to breath through performance & landscape to deepen our connection/relationship to the earth, a sense of kinship with all beings, recognising we are nature and we are the wild. We are advocates for natures rights, reciprocity, kinship, nature and social change.

Our Vision

Our interdisciplinary and holistic approach weaves together art, circus, dance, singing, music, ecology, environmental philosophy, ancient cosmologies, mythopoetic storytelling, ritual & the wild back into performance.


We strive to raise awareness about ecology & the interconnectedness of our ecosystem by telling new storiesof wholeness & interconnection. We hope to inspire active hope & belonging to cultivate deep reflections on how we live as creative custodians upon the Earth. 


Inspire Growth

Not one thing is going to solve this crisis. We need multiple solutions & approaches, we need to reach across genre & disciplines to co-create the ideas that couldn't have come into being without the provocation & dialogue of collaborative action.


It's the weaving together of art and science, factual and imaginable that will help us build new ideas & structures to find new ways of knowing & creating, moving towards a future where everything is interconnected. 

The Mission

We believe there is a call to creative minds to respond to the ecological crisis. As the ecosystem begin to fail there isn't a more important time to weave together ecological activism with the metaphorical language of art to stir participants & audiences hearts & minds into positive action for a regenerative future.

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