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About Our Shows


Earth Ritual

A Celebration of Nature's Cycles

Rooted in collaboration with the cycles & seasons of nature to inspire and inform the work. We will co-create 4 shows, accompanied by workshops, to be performed in alignment with the solstices/equinoxes, connecting to the underlying energies of the 4 seasons. Anchored in the beautiful cycles of decay, transformation and regeneration. 

An Experience Beyond Aesthetics

Our emphasis is on creating an experience that goes beyond aesthetics, focusing on feeling, presence & awareness to the ecological crisis, the societal disconnect from nature & awakening our relationship with our more than human kin. 

Immersive Performance

Our performances are immersive & participatory including pre-ritual workshops and performance. The show is a weave of inclusive reflections & guided participation in various arts to connect to the underlying energies of the season. The ritual aims to break down the barriers between audience & performers co-creating an experience that feels inclusive, where the audience actively participates in the creation. Circus performances emerge from the songs and music created by the audience. The audience is invited to partcipate as much or as little as they choose, creating a ritual & performance in which they are both a part of & a witness to. 

Earthly Rhythms

During the show, space will be made for each group to sing/dance/drum to intergrate & weave intentions for the earth, honouring & connecting to natural cycles & seasons taught in workshops, aligning with themes of the show

The Workshops

Pre-ritual workshops

Workshops serve as oppertunities for the audience to actively contribute to the show. Workshops are optional and not a requirement to participate in the ritual. 

The Experiences 

  • Foraging - Guided foraging walk gathering natural materials for crafts

  • Earth art- creating the perforamce space/ earth mandala with natural materials

  • A creative meditation to connect with the season

  • Headdress/ constume craft from natural fibres to wear in the show

  • Voice activiation

  • Embodied Movement

  • Drumming

  • Circus skills

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